Whole School

Term 1 ECA Information

Term 1 ECA allocations were shared via email on 3 September 2024.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to submit your preferences.

Whole School ECAs are scheduled to begin on 9 September 2024 and will continue until 28 November 2024.

Please note that ECAs are highly popular activities, and student allocations are determined using SchoolsBuddy’s algorithm to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of students across different ECAs.

Key Information:

  • Term 1 ECAs Start: 09/09/2024
  • Term 1 ECAs Finish: 28/11/2024

School Buses: Buses will run at 4:30 p.m. for students participating in activities.

For any questions regarding buses, please contact the bus department at buses@dulwich-seoul.kr.
For any inquiries regarding ECAs, please email eca@dulwich-seoul.kr.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
The ECA Team

Chuseok Assembly

We warmly invite all parents to join us for our Chuseok Assembly on Friday, 13 September at 2pm in the gymnasium.
This special celebration of the Korean harvest moon festival will include beautiful hanbok attire worn by both students and staff, adding to the traditional atmosphere. The event will feature performances from our student community, and as always, the much-anticipated staff parody music video will close out the assembly, this year featuring the popular song “Let’s Go on a Trip.”
We look forward to seeing you there for an afternoon of cultural performances, community, and festive fun!

Global Citizenship Introductions

We are excited to introduce ourselves as the new Global Citizenship Leads at Dulwich College, Seoul. We are Lynsey Gogin and Lara Small, and we are honoured to join this vibrant community to support and advance our schools mission to inspire students to grow as global citizens who make a positive difference in the world.

One of our goals is to create meaningful, inclusive experiences that reflect and celebrate our diverse community. To achieve this, we are reaching out to invite enthusiastic volunteers to help mentor individuals and contribute to a variety of initiatives. We believe that your unique perspectives and experiences will greatly enrich our Global Citizenship programs.

Here are some of the key topics and events where we are looking for volunteers throughout the year:

September 2024

World Peace Day: Engage in discussions and activities that promote global harmony and understanding.

October 2024 and March 2025

Neurodiversity: Share insights and support for individuals with different neurological conditions and learning styles.

November 2024

No Carbon November: encourage individuals and communities to reduce their carbon footprint through sustainable practices, mindful consumption, and environmental awareness.

February 2025

Black History Month: Help organize and facilitate events that honour and educate about the contributions and experiences of Black individuals.

March 2025

International Women’s Day: Lead conversations and events that celebrate women’s achievements and address gender equity.

April 2025

Earth Week: Contribute ideas and actions to raise awareness about environmental sustainability and our role in protecting our planet.

June 2025

Pride: Support and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community through inclusive activities and discussions.

If you are interested in volunteering or have any ideas to contribute, please reach out to us at lynsey.gogin@dulwich-seoul.kr/ lara.small@dulwich-seoul.kr Your involvement will be invaluable in helping us build a more inclusive and engaging environment for everyone.

We look forward to working with you and making a positive impact together!

Warm regards,

Lynsey Gogin and Lara Small (Global Citizen Leads)

Call for Submissions

A new student-led journal called Student Pedagogies of Asian America based in the US is calling for submissions from high school and college students worldwide to contribute to its inaugural issue with a theme of Borders. Please note you do not have to identify as Asian American to submit a contribution. Click on the link to read more about submission guidelines.


Student Pedagogies of Asian America was created out of the desire to provide an academic platform for high school and college students to critically and creatively discuss progressive topics that impact family, community, as well as national and global matters. The world of Asian American Studies has largely been solely for adult scholars up until now. Our journal seeks to insert young scholars’ voices in this current void. 

Our vision for knowledge production and content about Asian America is one of inclusivity and allyship/solidarity that does not limit Asian America or Asian American conversations to those who identify as Asian American. We want to ground this project on the idea that “Asian America” itself is less of a physical identity and more of a discursive community of diverse, various identities. In that regard, we think conversations on histories, cultures, politics, and identities can be more capacious than how they have been understood in the past.  ​We seek to foster the critical voices of students in education whereby students are agents of their own learning and use their whole selves to produce knowledge.  Student pedagogy recognizes the importance of addressing the inequities of power, status, socioeconomics, education, and more.

Chuseok Photos

DCSL is going to celebrate Chuseok: The Harvest Full Moon Festival in two weeks. This year’s Chuseok assembly will focus on the theme ‘Travel Cities of South Korea,’ and we would like to gather some family trip photos from our school community to share during the assembly. If you have a family photo taken in a city in South Korea, could you please send a couple of photos, including the city/region name and the children’s names, via email to Chuseok2024@dulwich-seoul.kr? Your photos will be featured in the videos during the assembly.

Social Coffee Morning & Used Book/Uniform Sale for All Parents

Dulwich School Bus

Term 1 ECA Bus: From 9 September to 28 November 2024

If your child/children participate in an ECA (3.30pm – 4.30pm), their bus time will automatically be switched to the 4.30pm bus.
For late activities, including ECAs and Sports Squads that finish at or after 5pm, students will be removed from bus lists automatically, and they must be picked up.

School Bus Changes

Morning Bus: If your child is sick in the early morning and unable to take the bus, please contact your morning bus monitor directly.

Afternoon Bus: Please be informed that any changes to the bus service (e.g. time change or pick-up) should be requested via SchoolsBuddy by no later than 12pm on the day you wish to make the change. This will ensure that your request receives our immediate attention.

Special Note for Senior School (Year 7 ~ Year 13)

Please remind students that they must go to their bus as quickly as possible, as other children are waiting for them. If they are not there by 3.40pm / 4.40pm, the bus will leave without them.

For other bus-related matters or any emergency changes, please contact the College Bus Department at:
Email: Buses@dulwich-seoul.kr
Telephone: 02-3015-8563

Dulwich parents are welcome at the BCCK Garden Party!

The British Chamber of Commerce in Korea’s annual party will be held on September 24 at one of the most exclusive venues in Seoul – the garden at the British Ambassador’s Residence. Built in 1890, and featuring some beautiful flowers and trees, this rarely opened public place is truly unique, and now you have a chance to visit it!

Come and meet new people while enjoying live music, luxury catering from the Four Seasons Hotel Seoul, selected British beers, whisky and gin cocktails and get the chance to win some fantastic raffle prizes from exclusive British brands.

With over 300 people expected to attend, this will be the social event of the year for the British and Korean community. Tickets on sale only until 12 September.

Ticket prices:

  • BCCK members: KRW 180,000 (excl VAT)
  • Non-members: KRW 200,000 (excl VAT)

Time: 18:00 – 21:30

Venue: British Embassy Seoul, Sejong-daero 19-gil 24, Jung-gu, Seoul

Buy tickets: https://shorturl.at/hkaSV


Dulwich Ducklings

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

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