Whole School

World Peace Day

To celebrate World Peace Day, our school embraced the theme of peace by incorporating it into lessons and conversations throughout the day. Students engaged in discussions about global conflicts, the importance of unity, and ways to foster peace in their everyday lives. This year’s World Peace Day also marked the start of our Dulwich Talks series, which in 2024-2025 will focus on Global Citizenship and Sustainability. To kick off the series, we were honoured to welcome Ilhwa Choe, a North Korean defector, as our guest speaker. She shared her powerful story with Senior students, staff and parents, detailing her life in North Korea and her courageous journey to South Korea as a teenager. Her insights into her personal struggles, the struggle for peace and human rights along with her dreams for the future sparked meaningful dialogue, perfectly complementing our classroom activities and reinforcing the importance of empathy, understanding, and global peace.

Charity Committee Spreads Kindness with Uniform Donation to the Philippines

We are thrilled to share some heartwarming news about the wonderful work of our Charity Committee, who have been spreading kindness and making a meaningful impact in the community. Recently, the Charity Committee packed and arranged the shipment of surplus uniforms to the Philippines, donating 230 shirts and 150 shorts to public school sports teams in need of proper sports attire. In a thoughtful collaboration with a local printing shop, they replaced the Dulwich College Seoul logo with the Ylang Ylang logo—representing a library established by our very own Charity Committee. This initiative not only provided essential uniforms but also helped create jobs within the local community.

[Reminder] From the Admissions Office : Term 2 Withdrawal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This is a gentle reminder of the withdrawal notice for Term 2 2024-25. Kindly disregard this notice if your child(ren) are continuing their education at Dulwich College Seoul in January 2025 or if you have already submitted the withdrawal form. Please complete the DCSL Withdrawal Form by 15 October 2024 if your child(ren) will not be returning for Term 2 commencing on 6 January 2025. Please check the emails sent on 23 September for more detail.

If you have any questions, please contact us at re-enrolment@dulwich-seoul.kr

Kind regards, 

DCSL Admissions Office 

Revised PIPA and Terms & Conditions

Please note that we will be sending you a revised Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and Terms & Conditions consent form next week. Please review and sign electronically by Monday 7 October, as it is legally mandatory for us to collect the consent forms. Thank you in advance for your prompt action on this important matter.

Global Citizenship Introductions

We are excited to introduce ourselves as the new Global Citizenship Leads at Dulwich College, Seoul. We are Lynsey Gogin and Lara Small, and we are honoured to join this vibrant community to support and advance our schools mission to inspire students to grow as global citizens who make a positive difference in the world.

One of our goals is to create meaningful, inclusive experiences that reflect and celebrate our diverse community. To achieve this, we are reaching out to invite enthusiastic volunteers to help mentor individuals and contribute to a variety of initiatives. We believe that your unique perspectives and experiences will greatly enrich our Global Citizenship programs.

Here are some of the key topics and events where we are looking for volunteers throughout the year:

September 2024

World Peace Day: Engage in discussions and activities that promote global harmony and understanding.

October 2024 and March 2025

Neurodiversity: Share insights and support for individuals with different neurological conditions and learning styles.

November 2024

No Carbon November: encourage individuals and communities to reduce their carbon footprint through sustainable practices, mindful consumption, and environmental awareness.

February 2025

Black History Month: Help organize and facilitate events that honour and educate about the contributions and experiences of Black individuals.

March 2025

International Women’s Day: Lead conversations and events that celebrate women’s achievements and address gender equity.

April 2025

Earth Week: Contribute ideas and actions to raise awareness about environmental sustainability and our role in protecting our planet.

June 2025

Pride: Support and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community through inclusive activities and discussions.

If you are interested in volunteering or have any ideas to contribute, please reach out to us at lynsey.gogin@dulwich-seoul.kr/ lara.small@dulwich-seoul.kr Your involvement will be invaluable in helping us build a more inclusive and engaging environment for everyone.

We look forward to working with you and making a positive impact together!

Warm regards,

Lynsey Gogin and Lara Small (Global Citizen Leads)

Join Us at the D24 Conference and Expo – Shaping the Future of Education!

On 28 September, 2024, the D24 Conference and Expo, in partnership with Toddle, will bring together educators and innovators from around the world right here in Korea. With the theme, “Shaping the Future – Innovation in Education”, this is a unique opportunity to network, learn, and discuss the pressing issues facing schools today—issues that will shape the future of education.

Whether you attend a single workshop or participate in a full day of professional learning, you’ll be part of important conversations that drive change in education. Explore the event’s diverse offerings and customize your experience to fit your interests.

There is also a school tour for registered attendees on the day before the event where you can meet the Head of School, Mr Tom Ferguson.

Don’t miss out on this dynamic event right here in Seoul! Visit www.ed.events/d24 to register and learn more.

Call for Submissions

A new student-led journal called Student Pedagogies of Asian America based in the US is calling for submissions from high school and college students worldwide to contribute to its inaugural issue with a theme of Borders. Please note you do not have to identify as Asian American to submit a contribution. Click on the link to read more about submission guidelines.


Student Pedagogies of Asian America was created out of the desire to provide an academic platform for high school and college students to critically and creatively discuss progressive topics that impact family, community, as well as national and global matters. The world of Asian American Studies has largely been solely for adult scholars up until now. Our journal seeks to insert young scholars’ voices in this current void. 

Our vision for knowledge production and content about Asian America is one of inclusivity and allyship/solidarity that does not limit Asian America or Asian American conversations to those who identify as Asian American. We want to ground this project on the idea that “Asian America” itself is less of a physical identity and more of a discursive community of diverse, various identities. In that regard, we think conversations on histories, cultures, politics, and identities can be more capacious than how they have been understood in the past.  ​We seek to foster the critical voices of students in education whereby students are agents of their own learning and use their whole selves to produce knowledge.  Student pedagogy recognizes the importance of addressing the inequities of power, status, socioeconomics, education, and more.


Dulwich Ducklings

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

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