Senior School

Despite being a short week for students, staff were fully engaged in Professional Learning on Tuesday, with a focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). We were fortunate to learn from expert Angie Brown, from Being Luminary, who led an insightful session on unconscious bias and how it influences our actions and decisions. This important work aligns closely with our Dulwich values of diversity and kindness, encouraging us all to reflect on the way we interact within our community. 

Meanwhile, our dedicated U13 FOBISIA teams headed off to the Pattana Sports Complex in Thailand to take part in the much-anticipated FOBISIA Games, competing in swimming, athletics, football, and basketball. We extend our appreciation to these committed athletes—and to the supportive parents who travelled with them—for representing Dulwich with such excellence and team spirit. 

Closer to home, we were proud to host Chadwick International School on Wednesday for our ongoing Badminton League, following our squad’s away match at SIS on Friday. Our players continue to grow in confidence, showing real resilience and enjoyment as they develop their skills. 

Our Middle School FOBISIA Basketball squad also took part in a two-day tournament at SFS, demonstrating teamwork, determination, and a passion for sport. Meanwhile, our footballers continue to represent Dulwich with pride as they compete in their KAIAC fixtures. 

On Wednesday, we were delighted to welcome parents to the IB Forum, hosted by Emma Chamberlain, our IB Coordinator, and Paul Sweet, our University and Careers Counsellor. This was a valuable opportunity to answer some of the big questions many of you have: What are the different options within the IB? How does the IB compare to other programmes? How can parents best support their children on this journey? These sessions, which foster open dialogue and a shared understanding, are an important part of our commitment to building a strong and informed community. We look forward to welcoming many of you to the upcoming Year 10 and 11 UCC Coffee Morning on 13 March.  

Next week, we return to our parent curriculum sessions, with Patrick Fitzgibbon explaining our additional Maths pathway on Monday 10 March at 9.20am. These sessions help to make learning visible and offer a window into how we personalise learning to support excellence for every student. 

This week, our Year 11 and Year 12 mathematicians travelled to Dulwich International High School Suzhou to participate in the prestigious High School Team Maths Competition—a challenging event designed to stretch their problem-solving, reasoning, and collaborative skills. We are proud of their willingness to take on such a challenge and embrace opportunities to think critically and creatively. 

Next week, we will host our IB Virtual Visit, as part of the five year IB evaluation process. This an important opportunity to reflect on our current practice and ensure we remain at the forefront of IB education. We encourage parents to join the virtual community session on Wednesday 12 March at 3.30pm—your voice is a valued part of this reflection process. 

We are excited to officially launch MyDulwich, our new parent platform; many of you may be accessing this information from the platform. As this is still in its beta phase, we warmly welcome your feedback through your Parent Representatives, as your ideas will help us shape and refine this tool to best serve our community. If you experience any issues, please stop by our Genius Bar in the area next to the bus office, where our team will be happy to assist you. You can find more information on this in the Whole School section.

Student Leadership in Action is something we continually strive to develop and support. So we are excited to host the second Bom-Debate Get Together, a student-led debate competition initiated and organised by our very own Ian C in Year 9. It is fantastic to see students taking ownership of such enriching opportunities, demonstrating leadership, initiative, and creativity—key attributes of both our Dulwich values and the IB Learner Profile

Finally, we warmly invite you to RSVP for our upcoming school production, The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty, taking place on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 March. Our talented students, supported by our dedicated drama team, are working hard to bring this powerful production to life. 

Warm regards,

Suzanne Pugh

Dates for your Diary

10-12 March: IB Virtual Inspection 

10 March: SS School Production Full Day Production Day 8:20am to 5:30pm 

10 March: SS Parent Workshop – Additional Maths 9.20am to 10.20am 

10 March: Senior Physics Challenge missing P3 and 4 

12 March: Matchday 4 vs ICSP (@ICSP) 1.30pm departure 

13 – 14 March: SS School Production 5pm 

14 March: Matchday 5 vs KKFS (TBC) 

17 March SS Parent Workshop: English Curriculum Overview from Middle School to IB. 9.20am to 10.20am 

18-20 March: EiM QA Visit 

21 March: Matchday 6 vs APIS (@APIS) 2pm departure 

21 March: IB Visual Arts Exhibition 

Parent Workshops

10 March 9.20am Additional Maths: An information session regarding the structure and rationale of the integrated IGCSE and Additional Maths IGCSE curriculum.   

  • What are the benefits of studying Additional Maths?  
  • Who will do Additional Maths? 
  • Why don’t all students do it? 

RSVP here. 

17 March 9.20am English Curriculum overview from Middle School to IB: Explain criteria, text choice, skills etc. RSVP here. 

Save The Date – Graduation

Senior School Theatre Production – The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty – 13-14 March

You are all invited to come and watch the Senior School Theatre Production next week. It is a serious play about the impact bullying can have on a school community. The students have worked really hard in Term 1 and Term 2 to stage the play and we hope you can come and support by being in the audience. The play will last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes with refreshments served before the play and during the interval. Our suggested age guidance is from Year 4 upwards but please contact for further information. 

What: The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty

When: Thursday 13 March and Friday 14 March at 5pm

Where: College Auditorium

Book tickets here.

IB Visual Art Exhibition

UCC Coffee Morning

Excitement for the Language & Culture Trip to Chengdu!

A lot of kids are excited to go on the Language & Culture Trip to Chengdu! During a presentation about the trip by Ms Wen, Ms Zhou, and a representative from a Chengdu tour company, students learned about this wonderful opportunity to visit the panda capital of the world and experience Chengdu’s famously spicy food. However, what separated the students who wanted to go from those who didn’t was the hot and humid weather in July.

All the students who want to go are learning Mandarin, and this trip would give them an amazing opportunity to practice their skills in real-world settings. For example, one of my friends is especially excited because he will get to see adorable pandas in real life for the first time. Another friend is looking forward to the trip because he’s never had the chance to taste the supposedly “best hotpot in the world” in its place of origin.

This experience is open to students from Year 7 to 13.

Written by Raaghav and Kevin (Year 8), Social Media Club ECA

SSAEM Peer Mentoring

The Year 12 and Year 13 students are re-introducing the new SSAEM peer mentoring program for this term!

‘SSAEM’, which roughly translates to ‘tutor’ in Korean vernacular, is designed to help younger students (Year 7 to Year 11) with academics and other things relating to the senior school. It can be a great way to gain insight into IB students’ perspectives on school and also to discuss topics that are more suitable for a mature student body.

Mentees will be joined up as either single sessions (one mentor and one mentee) or double sessions (one mentor and two mentees), depending on the mentees’ choices. Scheduling for meetings will happen individually via email between the mentors and the mentees, which can happen anytime from lunchtime to 4.30pm after school.

For students wishing to become mentees for this term, please fill out this form.

We look forward to seeing more students sign up!

The Year 12 and Year 13 SSAEM mentoring group.

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

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