Senior School

This past week has been full of exciting adventures, personal growth, and cultural connections for many of our students. I’d like to take a moment to share some of the wonderful experiences happening both in and outside of school. 
Our Year 7, Year 10, and Year 11 students have been participating in their adventurous journeys. These trips have given them the opportunity to connect with their peers, challenge themselves, and explore new areas. The resilience, teamwork, and open-mindedness displayed by all students on these journeys strongly link to our Learner Profile attributes. Be sure to check out the amazing sights and experiences captured on our Instagram: @dcsl.adventure. 

Meanwhile, back at school, our Year 8 students have been hard at work creating and preparing their ‘Performance in a Week’ production. The energy and creativity they’ve shown during this intensive process have been impressive, and we can’t wait to see the final performance. 

Year 9 students have been reconnecting with Korean history and culture through various activities, enhancing their understanding of the world around them, another key attribute of the Learner Profile. 

Our IB students have been deeply engaged with the IB Core, including active participation in CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service), university visits, and a memorable hotpot experience. It’s fantastic to see them embracing the opportunities available to them as part of their holistic education. 
We are very much looking forward to sharing more of our students’ experiences with you over the coming weeks. Next week, we hope to see you all at our Chuseok assembly, which promises to be a wonderful celebration of culture and community. 
On a personal note, I have thoroughly enjoyed experiencing Mongolia for the first time with the Year 10 students. I am reminded once again of the immense value these adventurous journeys bring to our students, helping them develop as reflective, balanced, and principled young adults. 

Wishing everyone a restful weekend, and I look forward to seeing you next week! 

Suzy Pugh 

Very proud Head of Senior School 

Calendar of events 

Calendar Change Notice 

  • SS Sport’s Day has moved from Friday 11 October to Thursday 10 October. 
  • Whole school LNY assembly has moved time, from 10.00am to 11.30am on Friday 14 January to 1.30-3.30pm 

Adventure Journeys Week

Year 7 – Korea

Our Year 7 students were all smiles as they reunited with familiar faces from last year’s Hong Kong trip. This year’s adventure had its own unique charm, blending cultural activities like stamp making and calligraphy with outdoor fun. The students tested their agility and teamwork in a beach Olympics and hiked through one of Korea’s most beautiful national parks. The highlight was an epic rafting experience near Chuncheon, where students demonstrated impressive teamwork, athleticism, and bravery. They gained valuable water safety skills and paddlesport techniques along the way. Despite a rainy final night in their tents, spirits remained high, especially with the knowledge they had overcome challenges and forged stronger bonds.

Year 9 – National Museum of Korea Trip

Our Year 9 students recently embarked on an enlightening museum trip, where they explored fascinating Korean artifacts, capturing images and information for their history projects. This hands-on approach not only enhanced their understanding of history but also honed crucial skills in data collection, analysis, and presentation.
Upon returning to the classroom, students collaborated to produce high-quality presentations, demonstrating their ability to synthesise information and communicate effectively. This project exemplifies the power of combining field trips with project-based learning to create engaging educational experiences. We’re so proud of their hard work and enthusiasm for learning!

Year 10 – Mongolia

The Year 10 students rose bright and early to catch their 8am flight to Ulaan Baatar, marking the start of an unforgettable adventure in Mongolia. After arriving, they embarked on a 350km journey west to Eden Up camp, where they settled into their teepees, ready for the challenges ahead. The trip featured high-adrenaline activities like abseiling and a thrilling Tyrolean traverse, pushing students to confront their fears and test their limits. They also enjoyed a stunning hike to the ruins of a small monastery, offering a peaceful contrast to the action-packed days. Venturing further from the camp, the group explored the ancient capital of Ulaan Baatar, immersing themselves in the country’s rich history. The highlight for many was an exhilarating time in the sand dunes, where laughter and competition filled the air as they participated in sand sports. Creativity shone through with the launch of an archery competition, sparking what could become an annual tradition. This journey not only built their resilience and teamwork but also gave them a deep appreciation for Mongolia’s rugged beauty and cultural heritage.

Year 11 – Namhae

Our Year 11 students took part in a meaningful service trip to Namhae, where they worked together to create fun and enriching experiences for local elementary school children. In addition, they conducted a beach plastic investigation, learning about the environmental impact of waste on marine ecosystems. As a reward for their hard work, they embarked on a sea kayaking journey to a secluded beach, enjoying the peacefulness and beauty of the surroundings. The trip concluded with a breath-taking hike to the top of Mount Geumsan, followed by a serene temple stay that allowed the students to focus on relaxation and well-being. This journey not only strengthened their sense of responsibility but also gave them a deeper appreciation for service and self-reflection.

Year 12 and Year 13 – IB Chinese Restaurant Visit

The general IB consensus was that the Hot Pot Trip was a resounding success. Many students received their initiation into the world of trending Chinese food, and their more experienced friends helped them enjoy the experience to the fullest. At the Self-Sauce Station, students were able to create their own dipping sauces from dozens of ingredients, even finding recipes from online food blogs. One Year 13 student commented on the attention to detail, as the restaurant provided their patrons with hair ties to keep hair out of the soup, and aprons to prevent mess. The hot pot itself was split into spicy and mild soup flavors, and the teachers ensured that every table had a steady stream of meats and vegetables to fill it. A Japanese Year 12 student compared the hotpot to Japanese shabu-shabu and got a kick out of finding out that he preferred the hotpot. The Mandarin students were able to practice ordering food in Chinese, and it was a good way to simulate life in China. We can’t wait for the next language trip!

Written by Somi (Year 13)

Reflections from Our Year 12 Students on the George Mason University Korea Visit

These reflections, written by our Year 12 students, share their thoughts and experiences from the visit to George Mason University Korea. In their own words, they describe what they learned and how the trip inspired them for the future.

  1. DCSL meets George Mason University Korea! This Monday, the Year 12 students took a trip to
    Incheon to experience college life and lessons. Utilizing their IB learner profile skills, the
    students listened in on and actively engaged with university lectures. Then, after a hearty lunch,
    the students embarked on a tour of the massive Incheon Global Campus, equipped with
    everything from an enormous IT and study center to a perfectly designed gym and pool. To end
    the day, the entire Dulwich team listened in on a lecture on US admissions and got fabulous tips
    from Ms Kelley E Chung (Associate Dean of Admissions and Enrollment at George Mason
    Korea). Thank you George Mason Korea!

  2. On Monday, September 6, 2024, we, the year 12’s embarked on the immense opportunity of visiting a thriving university located in Incheon South Korea. During this day we visited George Mason University, which is an institute that focuses on diversity and other key concepts that we at Dulwich College Seoul hold close to our hearts. On this day we, the students attended a lecture with university scholars and were given a tour around its campus. This experience was truly an exceptional opportunity for me and the rest of the year as it gave us a hands-on and eye-opening experience on what our future can look like.
  3. This Monday, I had the privilege of going to George Mason University Korea along with my classmates and experiencing a day alongside university students. We were greeted on the campus, and I joined the Global Business lecture for an hour and connected with some of the students there, who were very welcoming I might add, as well as learning about what globalization meant. We toured around campus and saw some of the students’ dorms and other accommodations offered such as a public gym which I thought was great. I also felt the food was very delightful and was told all about the amazing courses this university had to offer an explanation on how to apply to this school, requirements, and just advice in general about applying and joining colleges. Overall, I felt this trip was informative, organized well, collaborative, and inspiring for us year 12 students, who are soon to be university students in only two short years.

Chuseok Photos

DCSL is going to celebrate Chuseok: The Harvest Full Moon Festival in two weeks. This year’s Chuseok assembly will focus on the theme ‘Travel Cities of South Korea,’ and we would like to gather some family trip photos from our school community to share during the assembly. If you have a family photo taken in a city in South Korea, could you please send a couple of photos, including the city/region name and the children’s names, via email to Your photos will be featured in the videos during the assembly.

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

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