Senior School

So many highlights from this year have been expertly captured in the yearbook. A special thank you to our talented student designer and editor, Gauen K Year 12, and the entire yearbook committee for their hard work. Your principled approach and attention to detail have ensured a memorable keepsake for all of us. 

The end-of-year reward celebration and final assembly were a treat to wrap up another incredible year at Dulwich College Seoul.  

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been part of our journey. 

Students, your energy, boundless curiosity, and passion for learning have been truly inspiring. Your commitment to being inquirers, thinkers, and open-minded learners has brought life to our classrooms and reminded us why we love what we do. 

A huge thank you to our academic team for sharing your expertise and crafting creative learning activities. Your dedication to providing numerous enrichment opportunities both within and beyond the curriculum has demonstrated your roles as knowledgeable and caring educators, shaping our students into balanced and reflective individuals. 

To our House Team, thank you for organising a plethora of engaging events that fostered a strong sense of community and spirit. To our pastoral teams, your tireless care and support for our students have been invaluable, embodying the attributes of communicators and caring mentors. 

We are immensely grateful to all of our support staff whose efforts ensure the smooth running of our school every single day. Your contributions often go unseen, but they are deeply appreciated and essential to our collective success. 

Your unwavering support and involvement have been crucial to our success. We deeply appreciate everything you do for our school community, showing the collaborative spirit and resilience that helps our students thrive. We would like to recognise again the contributions of the Parent Representatives, who have strengthened communication and relationships within our school. 

As we say farewell to those who are moving on, we leave you with a poignant quote from Dr. Seuss: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Cherish the memories and experiences that have shaped this year. 

We look forward to welcoming some of you for Summer School next week and everyone else back in August. Year 7, Year 10, and Year 11 students, enjoy preparing for your adventurous journeys ahead, embracing the traits of risk-takers and reflective explorers.  

Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable summer break. 

Warm regards, 

Suzy Pugh

Year 9 Transition Assembly

Four of our Year 10 students (Mari B, Kris L, Ella C & Oliver C) spoke to the Year 9 cohort about their experiences of stepping up to begin the IGCSE this year.

There were several insightful pieces of advice shared, and some fantastic questions asked from the Year 9s. The transition from Year 9 to Year 10 can be challenging, but if the students follow the nuggets of wisdom discussed, it will certainly be easier to manage.

Read More Books!

Parents often ask teachers and librarians what their child ‘should’ be reading. The simple answer is usually: whatever they enjoy! Nothing beats enjoyment, and enjoyment can’t be forced. But if your child is between books, or has lost interest, it is often difficult to know what to suggest to get them back in the reading groove. That’s why we put together a book suggestion list every year. You will find the new list here, with recommended reads for all ages from 11 to adult. Every book on the list is available either in the Senior School library, or on our e-book platform Sora, or both. None are required reading, but one of these could be your child’s next favourite book! For plenty more ideas besides, students can access the library website here.

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

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