Message from the Head of Senior School
It was a privilege to spend the week at Dulwich College Singapore this week.

This was my first opportunity to visit another Dulwich College in person and although the opportunities afforded by a tropical climate allowed huge amounts of open space, the core Dulwich values were clear. As we expect from any EiM school, curious and articulate students talked with confidence about their rigorous curriculum, caring teachers and wide range of opportunities within the community.
Mr Wright and I had a great time talking about learning with our Singapore colleagues, new and old; Mr David Jewitt, Ms Carol Irigoin and Ms Jean Jang said a heartfelt hello. We are looking forward to collaborating in a number of projects over the next few years.
As a newer building, there were also a number of design features Mrs Smith and I are looking forward to incorporating into our campus. Play areas, corridor seating and utilising display space were but a few.

I was upset to miss out on the fabulous range of earth week events. I know the Sustainability Committee and Mr Tosdevin made sure we constantly thought about the role and responsibilities we have to ensure the safety and sustainability of our planet.
Teacher appreciation was definitely in evidence at the extremely generous lunch provided by our fabulous parents. Thank you for thinking of us and giving us your time and resources. The gesture was greatly appreciated.

The exams are in full swing and we continue to wish our students all the best. The Founder’s Day event on the 3 June will be a fitting celebration for the school and also the end of the exam season!
Can’t wait to see everyone in their best dressed for photographs next week and online Year 7 and 10 parents.
Enjoy the weekend.
Mrs Suzy Pugh
Head of Senior School
School Photography
For the school photography schedule, please refer to the table below:
Tues 2 May | Wed 3 May | Thur 4 May | |
7:30-8:15 | Set Up | siblings (non-bus) | Siblings (non-bus) |
8.30 | Y5S | Y3C | Y2C |
9.00 | Y4C | Y3P | Rec Herons |
9.30 | Y4B | Y3R | Rec Swans |
10.00 | Y5V | Y2R | Nursery |
10.30 | 8AB | Y6C | 10PF |
11.00 | 8GW | Y6W | Y1L |
11.30 | 8ML | Y2K | Y1J |
12.00 | lunch break | lunch break | 10JW |
12.30 | siblings (buses) | siblings (buses) | lunch break |
1.00 | Y6B | 7AS | 12SC |
1.30 | Y5W | 7ZP | 12GT |
2.00 | Y4G | 7AO | 12GF |
2.30 | Break | 9LH | Break |
3.00 | Break | 9AS 9KV | Break |
3.30 | Siblings (non-bus) | Siblings (non-bus) | Siblings (non-bus) |
4.00 | Siblings (non-bus) | Siblings (non-bus) | Siblings (non-bus) |
Keeping you informed Parent Teacher Conferences
- The Year 7 and Year 10 online PTSC takes place on Monday 2 May. The online format is to allow everyone to have the opportunity to experience both formats so we can implement the most appropriate options next year.
The Year 12 conferences will be a different format this term. Learning discussions will take place from 5 June – 9 June. 5 June and 7 June will be subject teacher meetings, these will be organised by the students and focus on the end of year exam feedback, where they are in their IB journey and focus areas for Year 13. Parents are welcome to join. From 7 June to 9 June, families will attend the UCC meetings, and predicted grades will be shared to aid the forming of lists and favourite choices.
If you think there is something missing or you have a query please do not hesitate to contact us at
Dates for your Diary
- 2 May: Online Year 7&10 PTSC
- 2 May – 4 May: school photographs
- 11 May 4.30pm-6.15pm: Year 6- Year 8 Movie Night
- 19 May: Year 13 Graduation ceremony and celebratory meal
- 22 May – 26 May: Year 12 End of Year exams and Year 8 Adventurous Journey
- 29 May – 2 June: Year 10 exams and Year 12 Adventurous Journey
- 5 June – 9 June: Year 10 Adventurous Journey
- 5 June & 7 June: Year 12 student-teacher conferences
- 7 June – 9 June: UCC family meetings
- 21 June: Year 7,8,9,10 and 12 Final reports
Clothes Swap

On Tuesday, students from Years 6 to Year 12 took part in a clothes swap in the Senior school library organised by students from the Sustainability Committee. The event provided students with the opportunity to swap old styles for new, while not increasing their carbon footprint.

Plogging in PE

Students in Year 7 and Year 8 went plogging by the Han River as part of their PE lessons this week. Plogging is the combination of the activity of jogging while also picking up litter and trash along the way; a great way to exercise while caring for our local natural spaces!

Tutor Group Gifts from Art Murmurs

A gift in celebration of Earth Day! Art Murmurs designed and painted new plant pots for the tutor group plants in the Senior School. The designs celebrate our planet and reflect our students’ appreciation of the natural world.
Planting in Science

The Sustainability Committee weeded the garden and prepared the soil, ready for Year 8 students to plant lettuces during their science lessons on Friday. In total 26 lettuces were planted, as students enjoyed time outside maintaining our school garden.

NGN Founder’s Day Food Stall
Hello, we are the New Global Normal (NGN) team. NGN is an Enrichment in Dulwich College Seoul where we promote intercultural understanding and global citizenship. We would like to host a cultural food stall at this year’s Founder’s Day on June 3, 2023 but we need your help!
If you are willing to make any foods, beverages, or desserts from your culture or country, please fill out this form by 19 May. We will run the stall and sell the food that you make. All money raised from the sale will go to charity.
New Global Normal
Johns Hopkins Visit

This week we were pleased to welcome representatives from John Hopkins University to our campus. The Director of Recruitment and the International Recruitment Officer for Korea shared with our students and families general insights on highly selective admission in the US and more specific information on the university. Thank you to all the families and students who participated in this event. We are excited to welcome more university visitors when the recruitment season begins again next fall.