Senior School

As we approach Chuseok, we are reminded of the special significance this time of year holds within our school community. The Chuseok assembly is always a highlight, bringing together staff and students from different areas of the school in a beautiful celebration of Korean culture. This year, the drama performances will be led by Matthew Readman, with musical contributions from Mark Knights, Barnaby Hollington, and Cindy Kim. Olivia Chan has prepared stunning videos, and the script and running order have been masterfully organised by Joanne Kim and Mikyung Cho, all brilliantly orchestrated by Jude Lee. Seeing our community adorned in traditional hanboks is always a powerful reminder of Korea’s rich cultural legacy, and the assembly itself promises to be, as ever, breathtaking. 

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to our 2024-25 parent representatives.  

Year Group Parent’s Name Child’s Name Email Address 
Mariana Skok 
Aeri Kim 
Liz Banks
Lily Sommers Kayley 
Nandita Vora 
10 Jenny Zhang-Kim 
11 TBC   
12 Liz Mc Carthy Sorcha 
13 Jemmie Kim 
13 Helena Kim 

The Parent Reps play an important role as a conduit between home and school, ensuring strong communication and collaboration. Please do not hesitate to reach out to them with any ideas, suggestions, or questions you may have. They are a great source of information and support, and we encourage you to make the most of this resource. They will be reaching out to you over the next couple of weeks prior to our Parent Rep meeting on 23 October.  

Another exciting development this week has been the start of student council applications. Student voice is a key value in our school, and we believe it is vital that our students feel empowered to contribute to decision-making processes. Our pastoral Heads of Year, together with the Head Student, will be leading the Middle School and High School councils to ensure that student choice and perspectives are actively supported. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to develop their leadership and communication skills, closely aligning with our Learner Profile attributes. 

In classrooms across the school, we continue to see a high level of engagement and curiosity from our learners. Whether in Year 7 or Year 13, our students are demonstrating a commitment to their learning that reflects their principled and inquiring nature. We are truly proud of the quality of teaching and learning taking place every day. 

Additionally, our Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) have now kicked off, providing students with opportunities to explore new interests, challenge themselves in different ways, and develop as balanced and reflective individuals. These activities are an integral part of our school life, helping students to build resilience and broaden their horizons beyond the classroom. 

Everyone should have received a hard copy of the Parent Handbook. If you have not, please contact the school, and we will ensure one is provided. 

After the break we will be inviting you to join us in supporting the Homeless World Cup hosted in Seoul on 21-28 September. This worthwhile cause is a brilliant example of resilience and courage. Aoibh and Oonagh M will be raising money selling items and treats, please support the cause.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support. It was lovely seeing so many of you at the Chuseok assembly and celebrating together as a community. Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable Autumn break. 

Suzy Pugh 

Head of Senior School 

Dates for your Diary 

  • 25-27 September Year 13 UCC Family Meeting #2 
  • 26 September World Peace Day and European Day of Languages 
  • 10am 26 September Parent Workshop, Mandarin at DCSL 
  • 12.20-1.30pm 2 October SS E-Safety Workshop Tech Hub L2 
  • 10 October Sport’s Day Banpo Sports Centre 

Calendar of events 

Calendar Change Notice 

  • SS Sport’s Day has moved from Friday 11 October to Thursday 10 October. 
  • Whole school LNY assembly has moved time, from 10am to 11.30am on Friday 14 January to 1.30-3.30pm 

Mathematicians of the Month – August

Every month, the maths teachers choose a mathematician of the month for their outstanding contribution to mathematics at our school. Each student earns five merits to celebrate their success!

Congratulations to the following students who earned the Mathematician of the Month for August!

Lisa (Y12) – For revising incredibly hard for her IGCSE and getting a well-deserved amazing grade (Ms Chamberlain)

Ian (Y9) – For always being willing to stand up and answer a question in front of the class (Mr Dennings)

Milva (Y12) – For a fantastic start to her IB Maths studies and showcasing fantastic independent learning skills (Mr Fitzgibbon)

Alyssa (Y7) – For solving a very challenging question by herself, and being first to complete it (Ms Im)

Sofia (Y10) – For working diligently and inquisitively in the first units of this year (Ms Heap)

Johan (Y7) – For demonstrating impressive written communication whilst working through challenging problems (Mr Okeowo)

SSAEM Peer Mentoring

The Year 12 and Year 13 students are re-introducing the new SSAEM peer mentoring program for this term!

‘SSAEM’, which roughly translates to ‘tutor’ in Korean vernacular, is designed to help younger students (Year 7 to Year 11) with academics and other things relating to the senior school. It can be a great way to gain insight into IB students’ perspectives on school and also to discuss topics that are more suitable for a mature student body.

Mentees will be joined up as either single sessions (one mentor and one mentee) or double sessions (one mentor and two mentees), depending on the mentees’ choices. Scheduling for meetings will happen individually via email between the mentors and the mentees, which can happen anytime from lunchtime to 4.30pm after school.

For students wishing to become mentees for this term, please fill out this form.

We look forward to seeing more students sign up!

The Year 12 and Year 13 SSAEM mentoring group.

The Tempest

I was both enthralled and felt privileged to work with the whole of Year 8 on their production in a week. We started on Monday morning from scratch, and produced a piece of theatre based on the opening moments of the story of The Tempest by William Shakespeare, which was performed for Primary School students and parents on Friday. It reminded of what being a (global) citizen is truly about. Working in a creative and imaginative community to explore and create. Taking social responsibility in a theatre production to make sure we are thinking about ‘we’ and not just ‘me’. To use the stories of Shakespeare to examine the current events, challenges and dilemmas in our world. The Year 8 students proved that they embodied our values of the Drama Department; collaborating with others to imagine and create a performance that encapsulated the ideas of the whole group. I am excited and really looking forward to the next ‘Production in a Week’ with Year 7 in January.

Mr Readman
Head of Drama

Study Skills Introduction

During Enrichment Week, students in Year 8 and Year 9 participated in an engaging introductory session on study skills, designed to help them develop effective strategies for academic success. It is important for students to learn good study habits early on, as this equips them with tools for managing their workload and improving performance during the years ahead.

The session covered essential topics like motivation, reviewing current study practices, and introducing active recall and revision techniques—proven methods for boosting retention and understanding. Students also learned how short-term and long-term memory works, and how improving these skills is key to better learning outcomes. By understanding how the brain retains information and practicing strategies to strengthen memory, students are now better prepared to take control of their learning and achieve their full potential. We look forward to seeing how these new skills are utilised in the months and years ahead.

As Year 12 students begin their IB journey, they too participated in a Study Skills session on Time Management and overcoming procrastination. These skills are crucial for success in the rigorous IB programme, where balancing coursework, deadlines, and personal commitments can become overwhelming. Learning how to manage their time effectively now and avoid procrastination will not only reduce stress but also help students stay organized and focused and will be key to their academic success and overall well-being throughout the next two years.

Global Citizenship Introduction

In addition to their study skills session, Year 9 students also took part in an introduction to Global Citizenship, which aligns closely with Dulwich College Seoul’s Mission, Vision and Values. The activity encouraged students to develop a deeper understanding of their roles as global citizens, promoting values such as sustainability, community and responsibility. Through discussions and interactive tasks, students explored key global issues, fostered critical thinking and a sense of social responsibility.

In addition, students were given an activity to explore their own values. These were then used to create drama sketches based on their own values and hypothetical experiences with peer pressure. These performances allowed them to express their thoughts creatively while reflecting on how their values influence decision-making in challenging social situations. This hands-on approach helped reinforce the importance of staying true to their principles in the face of external pressures.

By engaging in these activities, students not only gained valuable insights into global challenges but also reinforced the importance of making a positive impact on the world, reflecting the College’s commitment to nurturing responsible, compassionate, and well-rounded individuals who will no doubt graduate from Dulwich ‘Worldwise’.

Exciting Updates in Mandarin Learning at Dulwich College Seoul

The Mandarin curriculum at Dulwich College Seoul (DCSL) is designed to equip students with language skills and intercultural understanding, preparing them for a successful “worldwise” life in the 21st century. Our students learn Mandarin through the Wo Hui Mandarin platform—an innovative digital tool that supports student-driven learning. This platform is also the official resource for HSK and YCT teaching, learning, and mock assessments.

This year, students from Year 3 to Year 6 are learning the official YCT course via the Wo Hui platform, while Senior School students are studying the HSK course through the same platform. Upon completing each level, students are encouraged to take the official YCT or HSK exams on campus, earning internationally recognized certificates of Chinese language proficiency.

To provide further insight into our Mandarin curriculum and address any questions, we are pleased to invite parents to our upcoming Parent Workshop. This workshop is open to all DCSL parents from both Primary and Senior schools.

Mandarin at DCSL Parent Workshop
Date: Thursday, 26 September
Time: 10am – 11.30am

  • Room 306 (Mandarin classroom, Foreign Language) with Ms. Zou
  • Inquiry Hub, 2F (Second and Native Language) with Ms. Dong

Workshop Topics:

  • What makes the DCSL Mandarin curriculum unique?
  • Overview of the DCSL Mandarin learning pathway
  • The Wo Hui Mandarin platform for Foreign, Second, and First Languages
  • YCT & HSK courses at DCSL
  • Mandarin-related events at DCSL
  • How parents can support their child’s Mandarin learning at home

If you would like to attend this interactive and engaging parent workshop, please confirm your attendance here.

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

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