Dear Primary parents,
Many thanks to all the multitude of parents who attended Wednesday’s Meet The Teacher: Curriculum Information Evening. It was lovely to have you all on campus and be able to share our programmes with you. You will find below the presentations so that you can refresh your memory on the details.
ECA signup this weekend:
Please be sure to sign your Year 1- Year 6 child up for some of the many sports, arts, adventure and hobbies being run as part of the ECA programme for this term.
Our First Field Trip:
Year 5 set off on Thursday for their first field trip of the year – they visited an art gallery to view an exhibition with an environmental theme. The Savina Contemporary Art Gallery in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund, presented some provocations about co-existence of humans and animals on Earth which our students greatly enjoyed grappling with. This link has more information on the exhibits for families who may like to visit.
Fully black shoes are now needed for all students. Coloured soles, laces, flashes and stripes are not permitted and students will be asked to wear the correct footwear and parents contacted for their help. Please check the Primary School Parent Handbook 2022-23 for full details on our shoe requirements (pages 87-88).
PS Class Reps:
One of our Class Reps first tasks will be to share their feedback of the College with our visitor from Dulwich International next week. David Fitzgerald is the education director for EiM and is visiting us for 4 days of community chats, classroom visits and discussions.
Chuseok Outfits for Next Thursday
Your son/daughter may like to wear a Chuseok-style outfit next Thursday for our Chuseok Assembly. Alternatively, brightly coloured clothing might be fun to wear.
Other Chuseok events next week:
Sports – EYFS / DUCKS on Tuesday 6 September (8.20am-10.00am)
Sports – KS2 on Wednesday 7 September (10.20am-11.40am)
Diary Dates (please check the College Calendar for additional dates and updates)
Monday to Thursday next week – Chuseok celebrations
Thursday 8 September – Chuseok Assembly and traditional outfits worn by staff and students
Wednesday 7 September – 8.30am-10am Friends Of Dulwich (FoD) Monthly Meeting (whole school)
Sunday 25 September – 10am-4pm Family Hike along a section of the Seoul Trail (8-9km) (whole school)
Monday 31 October – Halloween dress up across the College
Academic Workshops for Parents:
The Primary School holds weekly workshops for parents who wish to educate themselves further about our programmes, child health and wellbeing, friendships and emotional development and other relevant topics.
The Primary Parent Workshops will be held in the 2nd Floor of the Primary Inquiry Hub.
Our next workshops are as follows:
- Tuesday 6 September – 2pm-3pm ‘Child Protection Training for parent volunteers’ (Whole School)
- Wednesday 7 September – 2pm-3pm ‘How best to support your DUCKS child socially and academically.’ (for Nursery and Reception Parents). This session will be held in the Auditorium (4th Floor)

- Thursday 15 September – 2pm-3pm Continuous cursive for all DUCKS students – what is it, why are we adopting that font for handwriting and how can parents support their child?

- Tuesday 27 September – 2pm-3pm Reading with Young Children – how can adults best support young children’s early reading skills – a practical, fun session to help parents work with their own children or other children as reading helpers in school.

Primary Pet Programme:
We have several animals that we have adopted and given a ‘forever home’ to. These pets are much-loved members of our community and live in classes to teach students about responsibility, routines of care and meeting the needs of another living creature. We have a guinea pig, a hedgehog, several hamsters, 4 turtles, guppies and 2 giant African snails.
If you would like to borrow any of the mammals for the weekend or holidays, please contact Claire Caunce (Y3C) at Supplies and instructions are provided. It’s an enriching responsibility for children to take this responsibility – well worth doing!
“Muffins with Mums” Breakfast Event:

Hot on the heels of the highly successful Donuts with Dads in Term 3, we are pleased to invite all mums (or dad, if mum is busy) to our newest breakfast event. Come along at 7.45am until 8.20am for some breakfast treats served by the students. Then enjoy some in-class time and an optional school tour. Year group dates are as follows and look out for the email with the sign-up form nearer the time.
- Year 6 Wed 7 Sept
- Year 5 Wed 14th Sept
- Year 4 Wed 21st Sept
- Year 3 Wed 28th Sept
- Year 2 Wed 5th Oct
- Year 1 Thurs 12th Oct
- Reception Thurs 19th Oct
- Nursery Thurs 20th Oct
Stars of the Week (DUCKS to Year 4) and Learning Warriors (Year 5 / Year 6)
Each week, our staff spot a child in each class who has been doing especially well with the IB Learner Profile dispositions and that child becomes SoW or the LW for the class. Click here to see who was spotted this week and click here for the week ahead summary.
Wishing you a splendid weekend with your children,
Kind regards
Mrs Jane Smith
Head of Primary School
Stars of the Week
Year 2

Year 3

Year 4