Primary School

Dear Primary Families, 

Year 5’s Adventures in Chuncheon 

The Year 5 students have been enjoying sunny days and cool nights on their Adventurous Journey into the hills and valleys of central Korea. They have balanced on paddle-boards, paddled in kayaks, made scented candles, flown homemade kites, searching for freshwater shellfish, learned essential safety procedures, forged new friendships and worked with new adults. It’s been a tremendous week of activity and learning all underpinned by DCSL’s core skills and dispositions within our outdoor learning framework. Thank you to all the families and staff who supported the children’s development in this way! 

Weekly Parent Workshops: 

Parents Workshops for this year will be held on Thursdays 10.00-11.00 in the Tech Hub 2F unless otherwise stated. Coffee Shop B1 will be open from 9.30. You will be escorted to Tech Hub 2F from the Coffee Shop by the leading teacher prior to the workshop, so please wait in B1 to be escorted upstairs. For our topics for this Term, please find the PDFs here

Year 13 IBDP Students Visits Year 3: 

Our eldest Highschoolers visited our youngest Juniors on Wednesday to work alongside them on projects related to our whole campus theme of “Belonging”. The IB students were impressed with the 3s but reflected that Primary staff have a tough job! The artwork and other projects completed gave everyone the chance to meet new people across our community and learn new skills, enhancing their sense of belonging in our community.  

Storytime with Mrs Smith 

This week has seen me in lots of classes reading stories and chatting with students about characters, plots and motives. It’s been especially fun to share “We’re going on a bear hunt” by Michael Rosen with Reception, and to read “The Gruffalo” in Scots to Year 3. The Y3s have come away from the session perhaps knowing a few more Scots words, such as ‘muckle’ (very big), neb (nose), scran (food) and ‘guid’ (good). It was really interesting to hear from our Dutch, German and Danish students in Y3 about the Scots words that are similar or the same as words from their languages – we are language ‘cousins’, you could say. In Y5, I told a scary fairy tale, ‘The Ship of Bones’ by Terry Jones, which has a funny twist at the end to help any of us who ever have a nightmare! Reading to students helps their concentration, vocabulary, imagination and creative writing skills too. Can you find daily opportunities to read to your children as well?  

Class Parent Reps for 24-25

Our First Class Parent Representative Meeting for SY 24-25

Wednesday, 11th September

-Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM (Whole School Introductory)

-Time: 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM (Primary School Summary)

-Location: Dining Area

. This intro will be followed by a Primary School Rep meeting from 9.15-10am.  

Finding the Correct Toilets on Campus: 

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community, we have a very strict policy on adult/child toilet use 7 days per week.  

Students are never permitted in adult only toilets/changing rooms, and parents/adults are never permitted to enter student toilets/changing rooms.  

When in the Main Reception Area F1, astroturf or in the B1 Coffee Shop area:  

  • Adults use the toilets near to the Nurse’s Office;  
  • Adults with very young children who cannot yet toilet independently, use the disabled/everyone toilet 
  • Students use the Gym toilets on F1 or the toilets by the elevator in B1 
  • Babies/toddler diaper changing/nursing facilities are beside the Nurse’s Office 

Other “adult only” toilets on Campus are on F3 in the music department, and on F4 and F5. There are also 2 “multi-use”/everyone toilets on F4 by the auditorium.  

Adults or students who use the incorrect toilets/changing rooms will be contacted by the College Leadership or Safeguarding Team.  

Thank you to everyone for their support of our Safeguarding Policy.  

Korean Classes for Parents  

Please sign up by using this link and click here for more information.

Dates for your Diary for August and September 2024: 

Monday 9 Sep – ECA and Private Music Lessons start 

Monday 9 Sep – Safeguard Training 9.00-10.00 Rm 307 

Wednesday 11 Sep – House Captains Elections – Years 3- 6, 9.00-10.30 Auditorium 

Wednesday 11 Sep – Parent Rep Meeting 8.30-10.00 B1 Cafeteria 

Thursday 12 Sep – Student Council Election Day for Y1-6 (one per class) 

Thursday 12 Sep – FOD Coffee Morning and Used books and Uniform Sale 8.20-9.45 B1 

Thursday 12 Sep – E-Safety Parent Workshop for Juniors 8.30-9.30 Tech Hub 2F 

Thursday 12 Sep – PS Parent Workshop on Phonics at DCSL 10.00-11.00 Tech Hub 2F 

Friday 13 Sep – Chuseok Assembly 14.00-15.20 Gym for all students (traditional Korean dress day) 

Saturday 14 – Sunday 22 Sep – Chuseok Holidays – College closed 

Tuesday 24 Sep – House Competition Tug of War 8.30-12.00 Gym 

Wednesday 25 Sep – Tuck Shop 10.00-10.40 

Wednesday 25 Sep – Y6 World Cup Day Trip 

Thursday 26 Sep – PS Parent Workshop on Mandarin at DCSL 10.30-11.30 Tech Hub 2F & Rm 306 

As always, if I can assist you with any matters large or small, please get in contact with me at 

Kind regards 

Jane Smith 

Year 5 – Chuncheon

This week, our brave Year 5s embarked on their longest residential adventure yet, lasting 4 days and 3 nights. The students dove into a variety of water sports, including the thrilling king canoe, stand-up paddleboarding, and some scenic hiking. To balance out the high-energy activities, the students also immersed themselves in Korean culture by making kimchi and creating mini adverts to convince others why their kimchi was the best. As a special keepsake, they crafted their own candles on the final day, which they’ll proudly bring home. This trip was a great stepping stone in building their independence, fostering new friendships, and giving them their first taste of adventure away from home.

Chuseok Photos

DCSL is going to celebrate Chuseok: The Harvest Full Moon Festival in two weeks. This year’s Chuseok assembly will focus on the theme ‘Travel Cities of South Korea,’ and we would like to gather some family trip photos from our school community to share during the assembly. If you have a family photo taken in a city in South Korea, could you please send a couple of photos, including the city/region name and the children’s names, via email to Your photos will be featured in the videos during the assembly.

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

Stars of the Week


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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