Primary School

Dear Primary Families,

Council of International School (CIS) – team visit next week. 

As part of our quality assurance and determination to continually improve, we will have a CIS team visit us to see lessons, speak with staff, overview our documentation and speak to other stakeholders. It will be a great opportunity to showcase our programmes and students’ progress and to get invaluable feedback.  

Parent Rep Meeting – Wed 16 October at 9am online  

Please send your feedback to your Rep (positive and concerns) by Tuesday so they can be shared with Alison and myself at Wednesday’s meeting. As usual minutes will be published in Friday’s e-Update email.  

Parent Teacher Consultations (PTCs)– sign up begins on Monday  

Our first of three PTCs across the year are coming up soon.  

Tuesday 22 October – 4pm-7pm in person on campus (15-min meetings) 


Thursday 24 October – 4pm-5pm in person on campus (15-min meetings), and 5pm-7pm online (12 minute meetings) 

On Monday, all families should look out for an email after 10am with details on how to sign up for their PTC appointments online or in-person with their child’s teachers. All Nursery to Year 6 parents are invited, and students are not needed at the meetings. Our apologies but extended family members, nannies or tutors cannot be accommodated. Staff from all curriculum subjects will be available for 10-15 minute appointments. Year 5 and Year 6 parents will receive details of their child’s maths progress and attainment from their child’s class teacher – these will be provided by the maths teacher. Parents are encouraged to chat with their child about school before the meetings and to come with questions ready for our staff to ensure a useful session.  

Sign up deadline is Monday 20 October at 12 noon.  

PS Student Council Event: Movie Nights 

Hundreds of Primary students enjoyed a mid-week social event and movie as part of the Student Council’s work to bring us closer together as a community. Years 1-3 watched Minions, while Years 4-6 watched A Goofy Movie. Everyone really enjoyed the daft laughs and silly antics of both. Thank you to Ms Goddard for organising and to all the staff who stayed after school to supervise and enjoy time with the students.  

Autumn Hikes 2024 

Each autumn and spring, the Primary School head out onto the wooded hills around Seoul to enjoy the trees as they change and to spot other seasonal aspects. Please see recent communications from your Year Leader for the date and equipment list for your child. Staff will also let parents who how many volunteer helpers are needed. Parents who are relatively fit will enjoy the hills and stairs, and be able to support students along the way too – hope you can come along.  

Hiking shoes: school PE sports shoes are perfect if they have a deep tread on the sole for grip, and hiking boots too (plimsols, Keds, Converse etc are not suitable). 

Hike dates are as follows: 

Year 1: Thursday 17 October (2km) 

Year 2: Friday 25 October (3.4km) 

Year 3: Thursday 7 November (3.4km) 

Year 4: Friday 18 October (9km) 

Year 5: Thursday 31 October (9km) 

Year 6: Friday 25 October (9km) 

DCSL is a Nut-Free Zone: 

We have a very strict ‘no-nuts policy’ as we have children and adults on campus who are mildly to severely allergic to nuts.  

Nuts of any sort are banned from campus for all snacks, lunches, trips, residentials, parent events etc. This includes peanuts, nut butters, Nutella, mixed nut cereal bars, trail mixes and so on.  

Thank you for helping protect our community.  

Menu for lunches and snacks: 

Please find here the menu for the month.  

Winter Uniform: 

From Monday, all students will begin to wear full winter uniform during our uniform transition week. Long sleeved DCSL uniform shirts (not short sleeved) and long trousers (not shorts), (kilts for those who prefer) must be worn. Juniors wear their ties neatly, and while blazers are optional Monday to Thursday, they are compulsory on Fridays as we have our Assembly then.   

All clothing items should be Dulwich uniform – non-uniform waistcoats and jumpers etc are not permitted to be worn for class. Please note not all long-sleeved shirts have the DCSL crest on them but they are still acceptable uniform. All shoes must be fully black (no coloured or while trim, laces, soles etc).  

Independence: Coats and Zippers! 

DUCKS students will benefit from practising at home to put their own coat on and doing up their zipper independently. Please practise with your child – especially with the zipper which MUST be done up for all playtimes. Help your child be proud, independent and capable.  

This little video shows one technique that even very young children can use to put on their jacket.

Please click here to watch to video on ‘How to do a zipper’.

International Maths Challenge – Online Simulated Maths Challenge (OSMC) 23-24 November 2024


All Primary School students are eligible to take part in the International Maths Challenge. This year, we are a selected school for the Online Simulated Maths Challenge (OSMC). The referral code for the OSMO is: DCS@IMO More information and registration are directly through their website. If you have any questions or queries regarding the running of the competition, timings, certificates etc., please check the information on their website or contact the IMC on the ‘contact us’ page on their website: Is your child from a Selected School? – International Maths Challenge ( This is an optional event if you would like to give your child a challenge in maths . We suggest choosing the grade level below your child’s year group e.g. Year 6 = Grade 5. However, it is your choice which grade level you sign your child up for. Registration deadline is 17 November. 

Diwali at Dulwich: The 2024 “Festival of Lights” 

In order to be genuine Global Citizens, we must be curious and knowledgeable about people different for ourselves in beliefs and culture, while also knowing and understanding our own communities. So it’s a great privilege to be able to learn and reflect on Diwali which is celebrated by many families in our diverse community and by millions across the world. 

In late October, some of the DCSL families who celebrate Diwali will share their customs and traditions with students at the DUCKS and Junior Assemblies that week. Students may wish to join in by wearing traditional Diwali attire or dressing in bright/joyful colours for Diwali, on either Monday for DUCKS, or Friday for Juniors. Plus classes will have the opportunity to try Deepavali crafts and have a themed lunch on Friday too.  

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is among the most significant festivals celebrated in India and by Hindus worldwide. A festival of lights symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. 

Weekly Parent Workshops: 

Parents Workshops for this year will be held on Thursdays 10am-11am in the Tech Hub (2F) above the Inquiry Hub) unless otherwise stated. The Coffee Shop (B1) will be open from 9.30am. You will be escorted to Tech Hub from the Coffee Shop by the leading teacher prior to the workshop, so please wait in B1 to be escorted upstairs. For our topics for this Term, please find the PDFs here.  If you have any suggestions for future workshops please let us know.  

Parent Rep Meeting

Monday, 11th November (Online Meeting) 

Time: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 

Platform: Microsoft Teams 

Join the Meeting: Join the meeting now 

Meeting ID: 482 082 273 893 

Passcode: Ey6JDr 

Tuesday, 3rd December (Online Meeting) 

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM 

Platform: Microsoft Teams 

Join the Meeting: Join the meeting now 

Meeting ID: 496 236 047 526 

Passcode: fZCAPe 

We need your help for Dulwich Ducklings!  

Sophie Cran, our amazing DUCKLINGs parent who set up this lovely and really important programme is ready to hand it on to another DCSL parent in the coming months. It’s perfect for a parent who is free on Wednesday morning – having your own baby/toddler to take along is entirely optional! If you would like to take over the group, chat to Sophie about how it works and confirm with Mrs Smith if you are interested.  

In short, the lead person for Dulwich DUCKLINGs would set up the MPR (F1) with the toys and equipment (all provided), welcome attendees and encourage everyone to connect and have some relaxed fun. Then at the end of the session tidy away. There’s lots of friendly support from school and huge appreciation for bringing our youngest siblings together to play.   

Upcoming Dates for your Diary: 

Monday 14-Friday 18 Oct – Unform Transition Week (all students in full winter uniform by Friday) 

Tuesday 15 Oct – 2K Coffee Morning 8.10-9.30am B1 Coffee Shop 

Wednesday 16 Oct – PS Parents Rep Meeting Online 9am-10am

Thursday 17 Oct – Year 1 Autumn Hike 

Thursday 17 Oct – 4W Coffee Morning 8.30-10am B1 Coffee Shop 

Thursday 17 Oct – Y4 Parents Update Meeting Online 11am-11.30am 

Friday 18 Oct – Year 4 Autumn Hike 

Monday 21 Oct – 3R Coffee Morning 8.30-9.30am B1 Coffee Shop 

Tuesday 22 Oct – PS Parent Teacher Conference 4pm-6pm (refer to sign up instructions nearer the time) 

Wednesday 22 Oct – 3P Coffee Morning 8.30-9.30am B1 Coffee Shop 

Wednesday 23 Oct – Safeguarding Training by Maggie Goddard 9am-10am Room 213 

Thursday 24 Oct – PS Parents Workshop – “Assessment at DCSL” 10am-11am Tech Hub 

Thursday 24 Oct – PS Parent Teacher Conference 4pm-6pm (refer to sign up instructions nearer the time) 

Friday 25 Oct – Year 2, Year 6 Autumn Hike  

Friday 25 Oct – 4G Coffee Morning 8.30-9.30am 

Monday 28 Oct – Diwali Dress Up Day for DUCKS 1&2 

Wednesday 30 Oct – Year 3 Trip to Hangeul Museum 

Thursday 31 Oct – Year 5 Autumn Hike 

Thursday 31 Oct- Halloween Bake Sale 

Thursday 31 Oct – PS Parents Workshop – “Our DCSL Senior School” 10am-11am Tech Hub 

Friday 1 Nov – Diwali Dress Up Day for Years 3-6 

Tuesday 5 Nov – Year 5 / Year 6 Wine and Cheese Social 4pm-6pm IB Centre 

Thursday 7 Nov – Year 3 Autumn Hike 

As always, if I can assist you with any matters large or small, please get in contact with me at 

Kind regards 

Jane Smith 

Céline Cousteau – Primary School

Primary School welcomed Céline Cousteau, an accomplished environmental activist and filmmaker, to speak with our children as part of the Shackleton Lectures. Céline emphasised our deep connection to nature and each other, sharing inspiring examples of how appreciating the interconnectivity of all life can help us create a more sustainable future.

In Year 4, students explored the topic of migration and its relationship to communities and nature. In Year 6, Céline led a thoughtful discussion on conflict, encouraging students to think critically about communication. Finally, in Year 3, she conducted an interactive workshop in the garden, allowing the children to reflect on and appreciate nature and biodiversity.

The children were especially inspired by Céline’s resilience and bravery, as well as her message that each of us can make a positive impact on the world. Passionate about humanity, inclusion, and equality, Céline highlighted the importance of being active and engaged global citizens.

We are grateful for the valuable insights she shared with our students!

Charity Bake Sale

The Primary School Charity Committee are organising a charity bake sale on Thursday, 31 October to raise awareness and donations for Child Fund Korea. The Charity Committee chose to support this charity because of the work they do to help young children and people living and learning in challenging and difficult situations. We would like to ask our families to have fun baking and kindly donating some sweet treats for our bake sale – every little will help! Please drop off any baked goods or donations to the Reception and email Ms Hosana Lee ( for any questions or queries. Thank you in advance for the support.

Pretty in Pink – Breast Cancer Awareness walk and Pink Party!

The American Women’s Club (AWC) is offering Dulwich College Seoul students to walk for free if they would like to participate in the Namsan Trail walk for Breast Center. 

When: Friday October 18 at 4.30pm

Pretty in Pink:  Please join AWC members and friends on a Breast Cancer Awareness walk and Pink Party Dinner at Brera restaurant following a Namsan breast cancer walk.

Registration fee of KRW 25,000 (minimum) donation towards Breast Cancer Awareness includes complimentary Breast Cancer Awareness socks. Dinner to follow is KRW 25,000 or both events bundled at KRW 45,000.

Prizes for best pink dressed and biggest donation. AWC will make the largest donation. Let’s join in unity and sisterhood to raise awareness for breast cancer .

Please fill in this Google form and sign up on FB too!

The Ambassador Platform

We’re pleased to share “The Ambassador Platform” with our community—an interactive chatting app that’s been connecting prospective parents with our dedicated community of parents. Our team of parent ambassadors has been doing a great job engaging with potential families, sharing personal experiences, and offering advice to showcase why Dulwich College Seoul is a great choice.

This platform is not only useful for prospective parents but also a helpful resource for our current parents. They can easily start a conversation with our experienced parent ambassadors to get answers to any questions they may have about Dulwich College Seoul’s school life. Click here to start chatting and learn more about our community and the enriching experiences at Dulwich College Seoul for your family!

Stars of the Week


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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