Dear Primary parents,
Global Citizenship Day 2023
Our students LOVED their culinary trip around the world today. Thank you to the dozens of parents from across the globe and our community who created delicious bites for students to sample. The flavours, textures and colours required our students to be curious risk-takers when sampling the snacks, they then asked questions, learned more about global cuisine and broadened their horizons.
Staff and students also dressed in their finery today from many cultures and climes. It was a delight to see their faces as they shared their outfit with others and enjoyed the spectacle of our global community.
In the afternoon, students took part in art, language and cultural activities from different countries and cultures – drawing, learning new vocabulary, geography and the arts.
The day was a great success – and without a doubt, it would not have been such a roaring success without the help of Bonnie Lee, our Food Fair Coordinator, Ms Esther Yang and the great team of international parents who made the EatWorldwise Food Fair possible. Thank you, one and all.
Year 5 Residential:
The Year 5 students returned on Thursday afternoon tired, a bit smelly perhaps but filled with stories and learning to share. They camped, hiked, biked and kayaked plus created coil pots at a traditional pottery. What a week of adventure in the beautiful autumnal countryside of Korea.
Assembly This Week:
Friday’s Assembly was led Mrs Cox, and her team of Heads of Houses. The newly elected Year 6 House Captains led activities with their respective groups of students.
Many thanks to our parents who came into school or met online with staff for this term’s parent teacher meetings. This was the second official meeting (the first being the Parent Information Evening in August) and our next PTCs are in Term 2. In the meantime, staff will provided all parents with their child’s school report in mid-December. In Term 3, parents have another PTC just after the final reports are published.
Recordings of Primary Parent Workshop on Teams (Juniors) and Seesaw (DUCKS)
Teams Session: Primary Parent Workshop on Teams Wed 18 Oct
Seesaw Session: Primary Parent Workshop on Seesaw Thur 19 Oct
Primary Charity Committee Gift Drive 2023
We are excited to announce that our Primary School Charity Committee is continuing the wonderful Christmas Gift Drive tradition as the holiday season and New Year approaches. For the past five years, our school community has come together to bring joy to children living in orphanages throughout Seoul. Our small acts of kindness have made a difference in their lives and brought smiles to their faces.
This year, we aim to bring the same joy to 208 children living in four orphanages – Cheongwon, Dream Tree Village, Myeongjin, and Shinmangwon. Despite the increasing number of orphans, we remain determined to ensure that each child’s holiday wish comes true with the requested gifts.
If you wish to make a positive impact on a child’s life this holiday season, we welcome you to participate in our gift-giving initiative. We kindly request that you purchase a gift worth 30,000 KRW for each child in need. Please take a moment to carefully review the guidelines provided and understand that your commitment is essential once you sign up. By working together, we can continue to spread love and kindness to those who need it most.
Please sign up by clicking on the link here.
Korean Lessons for Parents at DCSL:
Korean Lessons for parents will take place on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the 2F of the Inquiry Hub. The time and group of your lesson will be confirmed by the instructor and parents will be informed separately. The first lessons will be on Thursday 7 September.
For more information, please click on this link (this file is not to be shared outside the DCSL community)
If you wish to register, please complete the sign-up link by clicking here.
Primary Parent Workshops are Back – Tuesdays!
Click on this link to find out more about Primary’s Parent Workshops this term. Most don’t require sign up but the Eat a Rainbow event in November will, nearer the time. The workshops are a great way to learn more about various school programmes, plus meet other parents. Please also read through Mrs Pugh’s Senior School E-update for Senior School workshops that will be of interest to Primary parents.
If you would like to access the slides from this week’s Primary Parent Workshop on ‘Helping Your Child with Friendships,’ led by the College Counsellors, please click here.
Dates for your Diary for September and October 2023:
Sunday 22 October – DCSL Family Hike
Tuesday 24 October – Primary Parent Workshop on ‘Child Protection Training for Parents’ at 2pm in the 2F Inquiry Hub led by Maggie Goddard
Tuesday 31 October – Primary Parent Workshop on ‘How we teach writing at DCSL’ at 2pm in the 2F Inquiry Hub led by Marcus Gomersall and Chris Bonnet
Borrow a Dulwich Pet:
If you would like to borrow one of the school pets for the weekend or holidays, please contact Ms Claire Caunce on
We have giant African land snails, a hedgehog, dung beetles and a guinea pig who would love a weekend in your caring home. Food, bedding and care instructions are provided.
Stars of the Week (DUCKS to Year 4) and Learning Warriors (Year 5 / Year 6)
Each week, our staff spot a child in each class who has been doing especially well with the IB Learner Profile dispositions and that child becomes SoW or the LW for the class. Click here to see who was spotted this week.
As always, if I can assist you with any matters large or small, please get in contact with me at
Kind regards
Jane Smith
Stars of the Week
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4