From our Head of College

Dear Parent/Guardian, 

With Monday’s public holiday and Tuesday’s Professional Learning Day for staff, our students returned to a refreshed and energised campus mid-week. During Tuesday’s staff development, our academic teams engaged in valuable sessions with d’Arcy Lunn, EiM Group Head of Sustainability & Global Citizenship, along with unconscious bias training and safeguarding workshops. Meanwhile, our administrative staff participated in strategic planning and explored how their unique strengths and natural talents can be leveraged for greater performance and personal growth. These professional learning opportunities are vital to our continued growth as educators and help us better serve our community with enhanced skills and fresh perspectives

I had the pleasure of attending the DUCKS 1 Exhibition today, where our Nursery to Year 1 students proudly showcased their creative work to the community. It was heartwarming to see the children’s excitement and care as they guided their parents and guests through the displays, confidently explaining their artistic creations and learning journey.

I am delighted to share that Dulwich College Seoul has received significant media recognition recently. Our Head of Primary School Jane Smith and Head of Senior School Suzanne Pugh have published a reflective article in School Management Plus titled “WISE25: ‘Nothing short of thrilling‘,” chronicling their journey from inspiration to successfully hosting nearly 150 delegates at our recent conference. The Chosun Daily has also featured us in two prominent pieces: “Dulwich College Seoul leads way in female leadership with WISE Conference,” highlighting our historic all-female academic leadership team, and “Interview: North Korean defector and K-drama therapist inspire women to break barriers,” spotlighting the powerful keynote speeches delivered during the event.

As we approach International Women’s Day tomorrow, these publications showcase our commitment to women’s empowerment throughout our community. Additionally, our Whole College Lead School Counsellor, Joey Dekens, contributed a thoughtful article to the Chosun Daily titled “How to make school transitions easier,” sharing valuable insights for families navigating educational transitions. I encourage you to read these pieces, which reflect our dedication to supporting both leadership development and student well-being at Dulwich College Seoul.

As you may have seen in my reminder today, we have two important surveys currently open that require your attention. The CIS Community Survey, crucial for our reaccreditation process, has been extended until Monday, 10 March. This survey helps us identify our strengths and areas for growth, and we kindly ask that you complete one survey per enrolled child. Additionally, our annual Dulwich Experience Parent Survey is open until Tuesday, 25 March, providing an opportunity for you to share your personal experiences and written feedback. Both surveys are anonymous, available in multiple languages including Korean and take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your input is invaluable as we continuously strive to enhance our educational offerings and community experience, so I encourage all families to participate.

Looking ahead, I am excited to announce that Dulwich College Seoul is proudly sponsoring and hosting an important event on 27 March focused on “Fostering Male Allies” in partnership with AMCHAM Korea’s Women’s Leadership Committee, the British Chamber of Commerce in Korea, and the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This timely discussion will feature best-selling author James Rhee of “Red Helicopter,” who will share insights on how male allies can advance women’s empowerment in the workplace. Our own Director of Communications, Marketing & External Relations, Namju Cho, will moderate a distinguished panel including James Rhee, Joo-Seuk Maing, and Jade Young-ok Kim of LEGOLAND Korea Resort. This event aligns perfectly with our core values of diversity and inclusion, building on the momentum from our recent WISE Conference and the recognition of our historic all-female academic leadership team. I encourage you to join us for what promises to be a thought-provoking discussion. Space is limited, so please RSVP early using this link. Light refreshments will be served following the event.

Best regards, 
Alison Derbyshire 
Head of College 

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