From our Head of College

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Some ferocious battles took place on the field this week for the Year 1 to Year 6 House Tug of War. The poor rope groaned while children cheered as each contest was decided until, in the end, Sejong were crowned as the champions.   

Today, we had the Friends of Dulwich (FoD) Used Uniform Sale in the B1 College Atrium, which was quickly transformed into a thriving marketplace bustling with bargain hunting mums and dads. Thank you to FoD uniform sale lead Maria Cruz-Perez and co-chair Vicky Lemmens and all the other FoD volunteers who helped to make the event a success.

The Used Uniform sale is much more than just a way for us to save money. It’s also an opportunity for us to work together to put our school’s sustainability values into practice by reusing and recycling. We would like to take this opportunity to gently remind our community of the importance of our sustainability goals and how it permeates everything we do. We reiterate our commitment to redoubling our efforts to eschew single-use plastic items wherever possible in our day-to-day operations. I would like to invite everyone in our community to join us in this endeavour. Remember that small actions in your daily lives matter – the power of teaspoons of change!

Our Dulwich Talk speaker Ronda Jackson gave an inspiring presentation to students and parents about how the non-profit organisation, KABOOM!, works with communities to help tip the balance of a lack of spaces for children in underprivileged communities to play in. So impressed were the students with her talk that some of them even invaded the stage after the talk to ask for Ms Jackson’s autograph! 

This week, I also enjoyed attending the Years 12 and 13 Senior School Social, checked in on the Toy Swap event for the younger students, and listened to Shackleton Lecture guest speaker Andrew Parker tell our students all about his experiences as a globe-trotting hot air balloon pilot.

If you happen to be in the vicinity of the Millenium Hilton Hotel near Seoul Station, you might be interested to take a look at their very impressive model train display. A whole fleet of trains of all shapes and sizes wind their way through a maze of tracks and tunnels, through little model towns and villages, all the way around the basement level of the hotel. It is a sight to behold, absolutely mesmerising for the young ones especially. You might even notice a certain school that looks remarkably familiar! The display is a long standing tradition which the hotel runs each year to raise money for charity.  

If you are travelling during the break, please make sure to stay safe and rest well. For those staying in Seoul, enjoy this beautiful autumn weather!

With my best wishes,

Mr Gudmundur Hegner Jonsson

Head of College

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